Meet Coach Jenna


TeamLeeFit, please help me in welcoming our newest Coach, Jenna!

A born and bred Jersey Girl, Jenna began her fitness journey on the dance floor. Competitive dance
provided an early outlet for her lifelong passion for movement, health and wellness, and over time she
discovered other channels, later becoming a three-time New York City Marathon runner and gym

After 12+ years working in the Media & Entertainment industry, Jenna traded her desk job for her dream
job. As a fitness trainer, Jenna is committed to helping women overcome their fears of strength training
and improving how they feel both physically and mentally. Her goal is to empower clients to become the best version of themselves through customized, rewarding (and fun!) workouts.

Jenna is thrilled to be part of TeamLeeFit and to collaborate with a group of strong, like-minded women. In her spare time, she enjoys chasing summer weather around the globe and the never-ending search for the best cheeseburger.

Interested in working with Jenna? Send us an email and we'll tell you how!


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